During Friday at Coachella, pop star The Weeknd was seen with his girlfriend Simi Khadra in matching outfits at the Indio, California, location. The couple were holding hands and wearing all white, with chunky white shoes, slacks, and coats. The Weeknd was also wearing white gloves and a white and black bandana.
The pair are fairly private about their relationship and make infrequent official appearances together. Here’s everything we knows about Simi Khadra so far.
Who is Simi Khadra?
Simi is a twin with a sister named Haze. The pair were born on March 31, 1993, and are the younger sisters of one of Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s best friends, Fai. Simi and her siblings grew up in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, where their mother Rula Khadra owns upscale womenswear boutique, The Art of Living. They went on to live in London and California.
“When someone asks where I’m from, I always say I’m Palestinian first,” Simi told GQ in 2021.
The twins went to the University of Southern California together and both graduated in 2016 with double majors in film production and fine art. They work on a number of projects together, including traveling as DJs, working the runway as models, and developing their own makeup brand, Simihaze Beauty, launched in the summer of 2021.
On the brand’s official website, the product is described as “a journey through dualities: AM and PM, form and function, minimal and maximal.”
Simihaze Beauty carries lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, liners, and stick-on jewels.
How long have Simi Khadra and The Weeknd been dating?
After several months of rumors about their possible romantic connection, the model was photographed kissing The Weeknd on February 19, 2022, at his birthday party at Delilah in Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s not clear how they met, but Simi was once close friends with Bella Hadid, who dated The Weeknd off-and-on for a number of years. Hadid is currently in a relationship with Marc Kalman, but when news broke of the new couple, Hadid unfollowed Simi on Instagram.
Less than a week after the Las Vegas photos, another ex-girlfriend of The Weeknd, Selena Gomez, showed support for Simi with an Instagram post, writing, “Since 2013” in a caption of a pic of herself with the twins.
Around that time, a source told Entertainment Tonight, “The Weeknd and Simi have been seeing each other and having fun together. They were acting very couple-y this past weekend at his birthday celebration in Vegas. It’s easy since they have known each other for a long time. Simi is supportive of The Weeknd and they have a natural flirtation and chemistry.”
Aimée Lutkin is the weekend editor at ELLE.com. Her writing has appeared in Jezebel, Glamour, Marie Claire and more. Her first book, The Lonely Hunter, will be released by Dial Press in February 2022.