We’re big fans of HIIT, but we also know all that high-impact exercise can start to take its toll on your body: plyometrics, lifting heavy, and high-intensity cardio like sprints and intense cycling classes can lead to soreness, joint pain, and tight muscles. We’re not saying to give up your favorite HIIT and high-impact workouts altogether! But we are saying if you are looking to change up your workout routine, there are other effective ways to get your heart rate up, break a sweat, challenge your body, and achieve all-over strength.
Luckily for POPSUGAR readers, the Sweat team created an exclusive two-week low-impact workout plan for us consisting of original barre and yoga workouts. You probably know Sweat as the app created by trainer and fitness superstar Kayla Itsines, and there are three new badass trainers who have joined the team offering new barre and yoga workouts: Phyllicia Bonanno (RYT 200), Ania Tippkemper (RYT 200), and Britany Williams (NASM-certified personal trainer and IBBFA-barre certified instructor).
For this workout plan, you’ll complete four low-impact workouts each week — two yoga workouts and two barre workouts — two days with low-intensity steady state (LISS) cardio, and one rest day. For your LISS days, you can do at least 30 minutes of any low-intensity cardio you want: power walking, jogging, biking, swimming, or another type of cardio you can sustain for 30-60 minutes. For your rest day, you can do active recovery (take a stroll around your neighborhood, for example), stretch and foam roll, or just take it completely easy.
The best part? All of these workouts can be done entirely at home with zero to minimal equipment. Plus, the plan is designed for all levels; for true beginners, there are modifications for the more difficult moves, like the exercises in the barre workouts. According to the Sweat trainers, the goal of this two-week program is to increase strength and cardiovascular fitness while also improving flexibility, coordination, and balance. The workouts also help you be more in tune with your body. So put on your favorite workout outfit, grab a mat, and get ready to sweat!
Sweat Two-Week Low-Impact Barre and Yoga Workout Plan
Each video is about 30 minutes and starts with a warmup before getting into the workout. Make sure to cool down after each workout with some stretching — we like this 10-minute stretching routine.
Equipment needed: yoga mat, water bottle, and sweat towel. For some of the barre workouts, you will need a chair and light weights, about 2-8 pounds (think what you can use for a high number of reps); if you don’t have light weights, you can use soup cans, laundry detergent, or jugs of water. For some of the yoga workouts, you may need a yoga block for stability, although that’s not required.