As a proud member of the Uncoordinated Klutz Club, I am constantly in awe of dancers — especially at the competitive level. Take the University of Minnesota’s impressive team, for instance. The athletes recently competed in the College Dance Team National Championship, and their routine was nothing short of hypnotizing.
Between the slightly-creepy spoken audio and mesmerizing choreography, you might get swept away and start feeling very . . . very . . . hyped! The team wowed audiences with their synchronized moves and flexibility, and while they didn’t take home the top prize, they’re certainly winners in my book. Their energy is contagious, and the performance strikes just the right balance between happy and haunting. Is anyone else getting strong Billie Eilish vibes?
You know what they say: If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, and if you can’t join ’em, watch from the comfort of your own couch. I plan to do just that while watching this choreo over and over. Please join me and check out the University of Minnesota’s full jazz routine above.