I Started Crashing Hard In My Mid-30s. Here’s How NutriSense Revitalized Me

Health, Nutrition

In my mid-30s, I started feeling sluggish and slow and just generally unhealthy all the time. I would tell this all to my doctors, but nothing they recommended made a difference. I was truly convinced I’d be this exhausted, slumped shell of my former self forever, and I really wanted to stay active for my husband, my two kids, and myself. So when my cousin Joe recommended NutriSense when I ran into him at a family reunion, everything changed.

NutriSense, Joe told me, gave him the tools he needed to track his food, sleep, exercise, and stress to see how he could change things to feel better. And he didn’t do it alone: NutriSense paired him with a registered dietitian who could interpret his results and see what was and wasn’t working. An expert guided him through different lifestyle changes to boost his metabolism by using what his body was telling him to change his habits. It clearly did the trick: here was a man who looked great and has limitless energy telling me he’d once been how I’d been. How could I not try it too?

I started NutriSense right after that family reunion, and setting everything up was super easy. I filled out a short sign-up form and health questionnaire, then waited for a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) to arrive at my house. My CGM would collect all the data that my dietitian and I would use to find the lifestyle and diet best for my energy levels and general well-being. Once I put on my CGM and downloaded the NutriSense app, my journey began in earnest.

When I first met with my NutriSense dietitian, Amy, I knew right away she could change my life in ways my doctors never even considered. After every conversation, I’d stick to Amy’s recommendations, and gradually, my exhaustion and sluggishness disappeared. In my first two months on NutriSense, I lost 10 pounds and slept better than I had since my early 20s.

Now, today, I feel as active and graceful as that 20-year-old, and it’s all thanks to NutriSense’s realistic, straightforward lifestyle and diet recommendations. Joe was right – NutriSense feels like a total 180. It’s an experience worth every penny! I’ve never felt healthier, and you can experience the same. Sign up for NutriSense now to change your life not just today, but forever.

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